The Stories of Jesus
The website StoriesOfJesus.org shares stories found in the Bible about Jesus. The short stories incl
3 months ago
Getting closer to Christmas, I went to the first entry in StoriesOfJesus.org. It's less than two minutes to read. Thinking about how both Mary and Joseph were visited by an angel, I'm learning more about how God teaches us. I love the fact that BOTH of them got the message. Neither had to take the other's word for it. They were EACH given the understanding they needed. storiesofjesus.org/the-birth-of-jesus-part-1/
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The Birth of Jesus - Part 1 - Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
The Annunciation (the announcement by angels that Jesus was going to be born) Luke 1:26-38 Matthew 1:18-25 Long ago, the Roman empire [...]6 months ago
Jesus' parable of the sower helps me assess how I am receiving His word. To get the harvest, I need to let His word sink deep into my heart and let it change me. In the StoriesOfJesus.org site, consider: what type of ground am I giving His word? (and enjoy the Van Gogh painting!)![]()
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Jesus Gives the Parable of the Sower - Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
Jesus teaches the parable of the sower. Jesus compares the ground receiving seeds to a person receiving his word.6 months ago
Many of us feel we need to do BIG things in order to serve Jesus. Not so!![]()
Adding a few thoughts to the StoriesOfJesus.org site today I thought about the guidance Jesus gave his newly called 12 Apostles: Even giving a small child a cold glass of water, if done as a follower of Jesus, to serve him, that small act will be rewarded as righteousness.![]()
Let's just keep doing the little things that help - just because we try to follow Him.
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Jesus Empowers and Sends the 12 Apostles to Teach, Heal, and Serve - Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
Matthew 10:1-42 Mark 3:13-19 At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, he called twelve disciples to follow him. Since then, they had been [...]8 months ago
Jesus taught about the sabbath and what it is for. Yes, we should take a break, but we should also do some good.
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Jesus Talks about the Sabbath and Heals on the Sabbath - Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
Matthew 12:1-21 Mark 2:23 – Mark 3:10 The fourth commandment of the Ten Commandments is to “remember the sabbath day, to keep [...]8 months ago
This Story of Jesus gives us an insight into the person who wrote the first Gospel.
When Jesus asked Matthew to follow him, Matthew got up from his work right then and followed. What a great example! How can I put following Jesus ahead of my other pursuits?
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Jesus Calls Matthew - Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
When Jesus asked Matthew to follow him, he got up right then, left his work, and followed Him. As the sick need a doctor, sinners need Jesus.