The Birth of Jesus – part 3


Luke 2:8-20

The birth of our Savior was a great event in the history of the world.  Angels were sent to announce this event to others.  Of all the people who could have been invited by angels, a group of shepherds were chosen to first witness the Child and his parents.

An angel came to these shepherds who were watching over their sheep at night.  At first, the shepherds were afraid of this heavenly messenger’s appearance.  The angel told the shepherds not to fear, because he had great news to share with them.  He told them that our Savior, Christ the Lord, was born this day. He said that they could find the baby in Bethlehem, and that he would be lying in a manger.  As soon as the angel had delivered this message, many angels appeared and praised God, saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.”  

Come Ye to Bethlehem by Simon Dewey

The shepherds knew that these messengers had been sent from Heavenly Father to share this great news with them.  They didn’t wait, but went right then to see what they were told they could find.  They went to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph; and yes, the Baby was lying in a manger.  

The shepherds told everyone about their experience.  They made it well known that angels had announced the birth of our Savior.  The word spread about this wonderful event.

What do you think?

  • Why were shepherds told that Jesus was born?
  • How were the shepherds prepared to hear what they heard and see what they saw?
  • What would it be like to be a shepherd at night and then be told by an angel that you could go and see Jesus?

PreviousThe Birth of Jesus – Part 2, Born in Bethlehem

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